Have A Heart for Companion Animals, Inc.
A 501c-3 Not for Profit Charitable Organization


Hurricane… Don’t Leave Your Pet Behind

Deals with – Why owners must plan ahead, Pet disaster relief organizations, taking your pet with you, staying at home with your pet and reasons not to leave your pets behind. Sponsored by Need Him Ministries where you can text chat or call our 800 phone number and either way you talk with a live person 24/7/7/   www.ChatAboutJesus.com

Crate & Potty Training Your Pet

Deals with – How to train your pet to use a crate as a bed and place of safety when you are out of the house. It is a wonderful tool to train a puppy to go outside to do his or her business rather than inside your home.  Sponsored by Need Him Ministries where you can text chat or call our 800 phone number and either way you talk with a live person 24/7/7/   www.ChatAboutJesus.com

Dog & Puppy Chewing

Deals with – What not to do, what to do, why dogs need to chew, teething remedies for puppies, Chewing, Ripping, Shredding, Tearing Up and Generally Destroying. Sponsored by Need Him Ministries where you can text chat or call our 800 phone number and either way you talk with a live person 24/7/7. Visit www.ChatAboutJesus.com

Pets Pills and Poisons

Deals with – Truths about your pet eating something that may be poisonous? How to be safe with your medication and your pet. Plants that are not good for your pet and flea and tick collars concerns. Sponsored by The Villages Firearms Training, Gary Easton, 352-396-5383.  www.thevillagesfirearmstraining.com

Your New Baby and the Family Pet

Deals with – Why Parents-to-be should keep their pets. How to prepare the family pet for the arrival of a baby. Teaching a child how to handle a pet, benefits for children owning a pet and establishing rules for children, as your baby gets older. Sponsored by Central Florida Insurance of Marion Oaks, Timothy A. Acree, LUTCF 352-347-2929.

Why So Much Barking?

Deals with – Why dogs bark? Your dogs different bark expressions, what do they mean? What you can do about your excessive barking dog and how to correct this behavior. Sponsored by Trained Dog, Happy Dog, Lilianne Medida, 352-528-3828. www.TrainedDogHappyDog.com

How To Raise a Kitten

Deals with – Kitten proofing your home, food, water and the litter box. Grooming kitty and how to use the scratching post. Sponsored by Allen Curry Plumbing, Allen Curry, 352-427-7036.

Living With a Blind or Visually Impaired Dog

Deals with – This brochure helps an owner of a newly blinded dog, or adopting a blind/visually-impaired dog or puppy. How to live with a blind dog. Myths vs reality, Find out answers to why blind dogs or cats are still wonderful pets. How to make your home pleasant for you and your pet. Outside landmarks and a very special heart touching poem you can treasure. Sponsored by Marinelli Marketing Services, John Marinelli 352-687-1776.

When You Find a Stray

Deals with – What to do when you find a stray animal. How to prepare to rescue, Safety for you and the animal, Checking for identification, no tag, Looking for the owner. How to go about making up and posting flyers. Sponsored by Saxon Specialties, Inc. Bill Saxon 352-528-5650

The Backyard Dog Dilemma – What You Should Know

Deals with – Misconception about backyard dogs. Understanding dogs; they are pack animals not guard dogs. Never tie or chain your dog outside and why. Are there comfortable areas where these dogs are confined? What is the answer? What can you do? Who says tethering or chaining dogs is inhumane? Dogs chained or tethered are not treated well, why? It’s your choice; make it a healthy one. Sponsored by The pet Protector, Jerry Carpenter 931-477-0473

"We Are Not Disposable"


The Best Animal Shelter is a Caring Community


We welcome your donations
Please make your check out to
Have A Heart for Companion Animals, Inc.
and send to
P. O. Box 831413
Ocala, Florida 34483