Accomplishments To Date
- We completed our original website in April 2005 “Have A Heart for Companion Animals which is reporting over 160,000 visits Our site has Extensive Behavior Help Information. Cool Sites with information ranging from U.S. War Dogs, Hydro Exercise, Visually Impaired Dogs and much more. Our site also makes available a list of Pets from “Pet Finder” and Real Stories. There is much more information and help available too extensive to list here. Take the time to search our website.
- We became a wholesale and retail distributor for “Rescue Facts” ID Straps placing 2,000 units with “Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, and supplying Seminole Feed stores in Marion County. We had offered them nation-wide to vertinarians and individual sales.
- We prepared and distributed “Hurricane Protection Guide4 for Pets” in the central Florida area (It is also available by downloading from our website.)
- We worked with Ocala Junior Women’s Club for donation of snuggle blankets. (Twice) Donated blankets to local rescue groups.
- We prepared a neighborhood “Pet Watch” program offering it to several gated communities.
- We helped in Kars fundraising efforts to their book signing event.
- We have created and made available a play “Who Stole Pepe the Poodle” a dinner/theater presentation for fundraising.
- As Founder and President I was a spoke person to the commissioners of Marion County twice. One concerning Marion County Abuser Registry and the other concerning “Molly’s Law” to make changes to the Marion County Animal Control Ordinance.
- As President and Found I initiated a Proclamation a way of calling attention to the need for responsible pet care, spaying an neutering as a means of reducing over population in Marion County and as a remembrance of companion animals that die every year from natural disasters, animal abuse, neglect, and over population. I received a Proclamation from the Mayor of Ocala, Randell Eweres “Companion Animal Day” Feb 14, 2006 In memory of animals lost during hurricane Katrina and animals euthanized and abandoned each year.
- As President and Founder of Have A Heart for Companion Animals I spoke along with the Sheriff’s Dept., Marion County Humane Society, local veterinarians and others at four major meetings held with the Marion County Commissioners. I shared on why the law needed to be changed in an effort to convince them to change the outdated law of chaining dogs 24/7 and how this practice is inhumane to these animals but also how it endangers the public. The law was changed.
- We did over 62 fundraising doo woop, country and rock and roll Johnny Mello show and dances at various locations. Each show had 6 singers and up to 300 in attendance.
- We offered our Johnny Mello Show CD’s as a gift when folks donated to Have A Heart for Companion Animals.
- We organized many local “Pet Lover Seminars” that drew several hundred attendees and pulled together key speakers on various animal welfare subjects.
- We held 2 special screenings of, “The New Humane Movement, Saving One Life At A Time” (The director and producer of this documentary was at our 1st screening and was presented with the Mayor’s Gold Medal from the City of Ocala.) that drew leaders from many different Humane Societies, the SPCA, area rescue groups and the general public around Florida. The documentary also was shown at The Villages.
- We aided in the resource of many dogs, saving them from sure destruction. We provided council to families that kept them from surrendering their pet to the pound. We made countless referrals to breed specific rescue groups, local trainers, and other animal welfare organizations all over the United States and locally.
- We designed, printed and make available for free 21 different brochures on a variety of behavioral issues. They have also been distributed to rescue groups, animal control organizations and individuals and animal service of Marion County, Florida.
- We were in the Ark –Journal of Catholic Concern for Animals” reaching over 40 million. They did a two page article on Have A Heart for Companion Animals in their “Autumn/Winter 2006 issue. This journal has been around for 70 years and is headed up by Rev. Mc Mahon, Bishop of Nottingham in England.
- We did a Quarterly Newsletter and sent to over 400 people locally
- We have made available a copy of the “Declaration of the No Kill Movement in the United States” at various meetings with the public.
- We were interviewed by WOCA Radio talk show host Larry Whitler in March of 2006. One half-hour was given to us.
- When the tornados hit The Villages, Florida we contacted “Pet Lovers Rescue and Independent Brittany Rescue and Rehab. We also contacted Best Friends Sanctuary the largest lost and abandoned sanctuary with one of the larges outreaches via the web in the nation. The information we sent was picked up and placed on their “Rapid Response Alert” section. This is used so that if any more help was needed people could come from all over the U.S. to help.
- We held on March “Pins for Pets Bowl-a-thon” fundraiser for Have A Heart
- We have been present at the 4th Annual Volunteer 200 Fair at “Top of the World”
- We were members of RSVP – Central Florida Community College. We have had front page coverage in the RSVP News and Views.
- We have been interviewed and on Channel 20 news (cable station)
- New articles on us have been in the Star Banner (numerous times), Reflections News paper and other local newspapers.
- We participated in “Bark Avenue Pet Event” put on by Bark Avenue Pet Groomers. The proceeds were donated to us for our proposed no-kill shelter.
- We have highlighted various rescue groups in our newsletter – even horse rescue.
- We establish an animal related coloring book, especially designed with original art and poetry. We had offered it free of charge with a $5.00 or more donation.
- We have been working diligently on a New innovated No-Kill Shelter. (no kennels, no cages) Suites/dens/condos. Pet Friendly, people friendly. We have been in contact with very modern facilities that are making a difference in a adoption and saving animals. We had worked with volunteers a wonderful draftsman, structural engineer and interior designer. All experts in their field.
- We participated in Macy’s “Shop For A Cause” (nationwide) that was held in the fall of each year.
- We are linked to 41 rescue groups.
- We help a Pet Lover’s Seminar at the Live Stock Pavilion’s blue building with 4 speakers. Pres. Of Rainbow Ranch, Dr. Kathleen Fleck D>V>M. Laureen Ford, President Marion Alachua Dog Training Assoc., Sharon Nataline, Gainesville Re. Dogs Deserve Better.
- We sponsored an Animal Law Seminar with Jennifer Dietz of Tampa Lawyer as our speaker.
- We prepared a neighborhood “Pet Watch” program offering it to several gated communities.
- We held a Poetry Contest “Poetry for Paws” and fundraiser and did a “Most Adorable Pet Project”. We sponsored an essay contest for middle school students in Ocala that owned pets with prizes and awards.
- Or “Howling for the Hounds” singing group an extension of Have A Heart for Companion Animals” sang at On Top of the World. Palm Cay, The Shriner’s Picnic and our annual dinner dance.
- Our “Howling for the Hounds” singing group including the President and Vice President received “Congressional Certificates of Appreciation”.
- We designed a fundraiser – book called “Man Food”. We spoke a The Villages local cat rescue group “Pet Lover’s Rescue”. We distributed copies of the “Declaration of the No Kill Movement” in the United States. We helped Zen Doggie Rescue, local rescue group, with food and medical expenses for a particular rescue dogs.
- We supported local rescue groups with food and blankets. We had coverage in the Star Banner, the Daily Sun of The Villages, the Reflections and other smaller newspapers throughout Marion County and even across the seas as far as England. We had a display booth on the Spanish Springs Square.
- We started an Animal food donations program in conjunction with our special events and passed along food to Project Pup in Ocala that helps “Meals on Wheels” that distribute pet food to shut-ins in Marion County, Zen Baby Dog Rescue, Fiesty Acres Cat sanctuary and Lady Lake Christian Food Pantry.
- We worked with the Florida Great Pyrenees Club helped to save 6 Great Pyrenees dogs. We rescued a collie from Animal Service for a collie rescue located in Florida.