Cool Articles & Sites
Short Articles and “Cool Sites” from Around the Internet
Here are a few “Cool Sites” to review. If you know of or have a site that you wanted to be listed on this page, send your link request to Be sure to request placement on our “Cool Site” page.
Microchip War
Crystal Import Sues Avid Over Microchip Dispute…. The latest news in the ongoing saga of the microchip war. Avid’s business practices are placing at risk the lives of animals whose owners have purchased RFID (radio frequency identification) chips for the very purpose of protecting their pets according to the law suite filed by Crystal. There are no official U.S. standards. To read about this information, especially if you are familiar with Banfield Pet Hospitals, go to:
Over $1 Billion Every Year is Spent Destroying “Man’s Best Friend”
Up to 10 million healthy animals are killed in U.S. pounds and shelters every year. The killing could easily be prevented by spaying and neutering.
Euthanasia is the single largest cause of death for dogs in the U.S. Each year 27 million of the animals are born. Five to ten million we classify as “surplus” and kill. That’s about one million per month. These numbers do not include the millions of dead dogs whose bodies we scrape off the streets, or the hundreds of thousands of abandoned, severely neglected or abused ones
who never make it to our shelters to be counted and killed. The five to ten million figure represents those we “must” kill because they are unwanted.
Most of these animals are young and healthy; in fact, it is estimated that a majority are less than one year of age. The problem is simple: we have too many dogs too many for the too few homes available. The solution we have opted for is to kill the extras. This solution has been considered acceptable by default, as though there were no other way to control the crisis. And we spend over $1 billion every year destroying “man’s best friend.”
Why is this happening in the United States today? Do You Really Want To Know Why?
Why Are You Considering Giving Up Your Pet? – What is the Problem?
Often people feel they must give up their pets for various reasons. On these pages, you’ll hopefully find some alternatives and be able to keep your animal. There is also lots of info here for those who would never dream of giving up their pet, but just need some advice on basic pet problems. They are often the very same problems for both groups of people.
First and foremost, pets are living creatures, capable of fear, love, pain, loneliness, and joy. They should never be considered disposable property, for they should be considered members of the family.
There are many reasons people feel they must give up their animals. If you can find a solution to the problems, and help make your pet a member of the family in good standing, that’s one less animal that needs rescuing, and both the animal and humans will be happier. If the problems cannot be resolved, there is information to help you find a good home for your pet. But, please try to resolve the problems first, it might cost your pet his or her life otherwise. To learn more, visit:
Are You Considering Adopting a Blind/Visually Impaired Dog?
Regardless if you’re an owner of a newly blinded dog, have adopted a blind/visually impaired dog (or puppy) or have been at this for awhile-the purpose we strive for on this website, also on the blind dog list, and message board is to provide you the support and information you need to help both you and your beloved dog. If you’re new to this situation-rest assured it does get much better. Most dogs adjust well and lead happy near-normal lives. Before long you will be amazed at what a blind dog can do!!!!
You are not alone in your situation, although it may feel like you are right now. Finding this website is the first step to helping both you and your beloved dog. If you are considering adopting a blind/visually impaired dog and are not sure what to expect? Well for the most part a visually impaired dog is not that much different than a sighted one as you will see from the stories on our site. When a dog loses their sight (or was not born with sight, they come to rely on their other senses, and often times these senses become even keener over time.
The Owners of Blind Dogs website is the home site for both the Blind Dog email list and also the Blind Dog Message Board. Information on how to join the email list you will find on the Blind Dog Connections page
I cannot see you Mommy, when you cuddle me so near.
And yet I know you love me, it’s in the words I hear.
I cannot see you Daddy, when you hold me by your side
But, still I know you love me when you tell me so with pride.
I cannot see to run and play out in the sun so bright
For, here inside my tiny head it’s always dark as night.
I cannot see the treats you give when I am extra good
But, I can wag my tail in Thanks just like a good dog should.
“She cannot see. The dogs no good” is what some folks might say
“She can’t be trained, she’ll never learn She must be put away.”
But not you, Mom and Daddy You know that it’s alright
Because I love you just as much as any dog with sight.
You took me in, you gave me love and we will never part
Because I’m blind with just my eyes, I see you in my heart.
Sherrill Wardrip (Blind Dogs List member)
Living With a Deaf Dog
If you are going to live with a deaf dog, you will have to learn a new way to communicate with that dog. You will have to tune in to the world of movement, vibration, and light. You must use some type of sign language system, either American Sign Language or signs you invent yourself. It will seem strange at first, but both you and your dog will adapt quickly. All that’s required is a willingness to learn. For example: keeping the deaf dog informed of your whereabouts. As you move around your house, or when you leave, be sure to let your deaf dog know what you are doing. If a deaf dog wakes up, or turns around and finds you gone, they can become anxious. Many deaf dogs will search from room to room until they find their “missing” owner.
If a deaf dog is not looking in your direction as you leave a room, get the dog’s attention and allow him to watch you leave. He may or may not decide to join you, but at least he will know where you went. If the dog has been sleeping while you work in a room, you can awaken him with a light touch, or by lightly brushing him with your foot as you leave the room. Learn more at:
All Creation Was Made for God’s Glory
The word animal is from the Latin word that means “living” or anima meaning “soul.” The following excerpts were taken from Jim Venable’s site Do Animals Go to Heaven (
The Salvation of the Animals – All created things will be redeemed along with the saints for life in the new heaven and the new earth. Those who say that animals can’t be saved because they don’t have a soul are mistaken. Whether or not they have a soul has no bearing on their destiny in the kingdom of God. Were they created? If yes, and they aren’t people or angels who rebelled against the knowledge of Christ, they’ll be there.
The creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God (Romans 8:21).
God’s Eternal Covenant with Every Living Creature – Lest there be any doubt about this, consider the everlasting covenant of salvation and life that God made with Noah after the flood. It specifically included him, his family, his descendants, and all living creatures (Genesis 9:8-16).
Jesus said that, at His coming, it will be just like it was in Noah’s day. He thereby reaffirmed His Father’s everlasting covenant with us and all the living creatures. Through Noah’s story, we discover that Jesus is the Ark of salvation for all the innocent creatures God loves. When He comes, He’ll take all of them home.
If you are interested in reading more go to the link above for the website listing.
Scriptures of Animals in Heaven & Their Relationship with God
“This plan, which God will complete when the time is right, is to bring all creation together, everything in heaven and on earth, with Christ as head.” Ephesians 1:10
Wolves and sheep will live together in peace, and leopards will lie down with young goats, calves and lion cubs will feed together, and little will take care of them. Cows and bears will eat together, and their calves and cubs will lie down in peace. Lions will eat straw as cattle do . The land will be as full of knowledge of the Lord as the seas are full of water.” Isaiah 11:6-9
“Search in the Lord’s book of living creatures and read what it says. Not one of these creatures will be missing and not one will be without its mate. The Lord has commanded it to be so; He Himself will bring them together. It is the Lord who will divide the land among them and give each of them a share. They will live in the land age after age, and it will belong to them for ever.” Isaiah 34:16,17
Animals and God
“God created all the animals” Psalm 104
“Then God commanded, “Let the earth produce all kinds of animal life; domestic and wild, large and small, and it was done. So God made them all, and He was pleased with what He saw.” Genesis 1:24, 25
“All animals belong to God” Psalm 24:1
“All the animals in the forest are Mine and the cattle on thousands of hills. All the wild birds are Mine and all living things in the fields.” Psalm 50:10, 11
“God cares for the animals” 1 John 4:16
“Look at the birds flying around .your Father in Heaven takes care of them” Matthew 6:26
“He gives animals their food and feeds the young ravens when they call” Psalm 147:9
“I will make a covenant for them on that day, with the beasts of the field, with the birds of the air, and with the things that crawl on the ground. Bow and sword and war I will destroy from the land, and I will let them take their rest in security.” Hosea 2:20
“But now ask the beasts (cattle) to teach you, and the birds of the air to tell you; or the reptiles on the earth to instruct you, and the fish of the sea to inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of God has done this? In his hand is the soul of every living thing, and the life breath of all mankind.” Job 12:7-10
How the SPCA Began
The following is taken from PSYETA (Psychologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Society Animals – Journal of Human-Animal Studies vol. 8 No. 3, 2000
A Union of Christianity, Humanity, and Philanthropy: The Christian Tradition and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Nineteenth-Century England
This site offers a historical perspective to the discussion of the relationship between Christianity and nonhuman-human animal relationships by examining the animal protection movement in English society as it first took root in the nineteenth century. Since this study is quite lengthy (15 pages) I will share with you just a short portion of it: “At the turn of the nineteenth century a crusade for the prevention of cruelty to animals began in England; through collective efforts on a scale never seen before, legislative changes were sought, societies were formed, and campaigns were carried out. After several failed proposals, in 1822, the first legislative act for the prevention of ill-treatment of cattle was written in the statute books. In 1824, a society for the exclusive purpose of preventing cruelty to animals, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA; after 1840,RSPCA) was launched.”
For the Full Story click here:
The Backyard Dog Dilemma & What You Should Know
Dog Behavior of the Backyard Dog
The most widely held misconception about dogs is the belief that they will be healthy and happy living in the backyard only. Nothing is further from the truth. Current studies in psychology show that dogs isolated in backyards are highly likely to develop serious behavior problems. Many will often result with a problem resulting in euthanasia for the animal.
Understanding Dogs
Dogs are pack animals thriving on companionship. Dogs are den animals. They like safe, quiet, and secure places to sleep, hang out and rest.
There are more behavior problems when a dog is left outside. These dogs are harder to train. Backyard dogs are not guard dogs (guard dogs are trained for that purpose). They have a higher rate of euthanasia
Dogs are social, more so than humans. Denied access to human living space can result in behavior and health problems. YOU are the dogs’ pack and he wants to be with his pack. Forcing your dog to live outside with little or no human companionship is one of the most psychologically damaging things a pet owner can do to his dog.
Never Tie or Chain Your Dog Up Outside
- Dogs chained or tied outside suffer extreme frustration, which can result in hyperactivity and/or aggression against you, your family or friends.
- Dogs tied up cannot escape from other animals or people who mean to do them harm.
- Dogs that are tied can easily become entangled and do bodily harm to themselves. If he tried to become a fence jumper he can hang himself.
- DON’T kick him out because you think he is un-trainable, unruly or because it is good for him to be outside. Instead, take the time to make him a part of your family, a part of your pack.
Who Says Tethering or Chaining Dogs is Inhumane?
The Humane Society of the United States, and numerous experts. The USDA issued the following statement in the July 2, 1996 Federal Register: “Our experience in enforcing the Animal Welfare Act has led us to conclude that continuous confinement of dogs by a tether is inhumane. A tether significantly restricts a dog’s movement. A tether can also become tangled around or hooked on the dog’s shelter structure or other objects, further restricting the dog’s movement and potentially causing injury.”
Aren’t Chained or Tethered Dogs Treated Well?
These dogs suffer from sporadic feedings, overturned water bowls, inadequate veterinary care, and extreme temperatures. During extreme heat, they may not receive adequate water or protection from the sun. People don’t spend much time if any with them when it rains, is windy, too cold or too hot. They are often neurotic in behavior, which makes it difficult to approach them. Chained dogs are very rarely given even the minimal affection. They become more “part of the scenery” and can become easily ignored by their owners.
Are the areas in which these dogs are confined comfortable? NO
These dogs have to eat, sleep, urinate, and defecate in a single confined area. Owners who chain their dogs are also less likely to clean the area. Although where there may have been grass at one time, the area usually is so beaten down by the dog’s pacing that the ground consists of nothing but dirt or mud when it rains.
A chained animal is caught in a vicious cycle of frustration by long periods of boredom and social isolation. He becomes a shell of his former self. No human interactions and kindness. In the end, the helpless dog suffers the frustration of watching the world go by in isolation. This is a cruel fate for what is by nature a highly social animal.
What Can I Do?
Remember first and foremost that your dog is a pack animal and looks to you for leadership and love. Give your dog a chance to be your friend. Your dog is a pack animal needing others around him. Don’t make the backyard your dog’s only home. Make him part of your family Keep your dog with you! Your dog should have living space whenever you are home. This includes sleeping inside your house at night. He can lay next to you when you watch T.V. on your computer or sleep near you. These things are very important to his mental well-being. To learn more, visit: Dogs Deserve Better
The United States War Dogs Association, Inc. (USWDA)
The USWDA is is a nonprofit organization of Former and Current US Military Dog Handlers and supporting members committed to promoting the long history of the Military Service Dogs, establishing permanent War Dog Memorials, and educating the public about the invaluable service of these canines to our country.
- EDUCATION: With the use of our Traveling U. S. War Dog Exhibit, bring the history of all U. S. Military War Dogs from all wars to the general public.
- WAR DOG MEMORIAL: Raise funds to establish a National War Dog Memorial in Washington, DC.
- K-9 CORPS COMMEMORATIVE STAMP DRIVE: Sign on for petitions to have the Postal Service issue a commemorative stamp for all Military working dogs.
- SUPPORT: Through our fundraising; service dog organizations such as Military War Dogs, Police Canine units and Search and Rescue units.
- K-9 ADOPTION: Help in the process of finding homes for retiring Military and Police canines.
Our background in military War Dog service and our dedication to honoring the memory of the service and sacrifice of the US Military Working Dogs gives us a unique perspective that we can use to educate the public on the history of Military War Dogs. To learn more, visit:
Adopt a Greyhound Everyone’s a Winner
This is a slogan for The National Greyhound Foundation, Inc. headed up by Beverly Sebastian. This foundation is taking a stance on greyhound racing, track operations, greyhound breeding, adoption program policies, rescue policies, and other positions regarding the greyhound industry. Since its formation in March 1994, 3,000 retired racing greyhounds in 11 years have been rescued.
Their sanctuary, which houses the rescued greyhounds, will be the centerpiece of a 50-acre headquarters for the Florida Greyhound Sanctuary and Alliance of Greyhound Caretakers in and outside of Florida. It will be located in the Central Florida area.
They are a tremendously dedicated group who not too long ago rescued 14 greyhounds that were ordered to be put down by the owner, located in Ocala, Florida.
This website is a must-see whether you are a greyhound lover or not. It will help to open your eyes to the lack of care given to these animals after they are no longer racing.
Go to
Prisoners and Pups Programs
Have a look at what the pups are learning in the correctional facilities.
Puppies Behind Bars located in New York City has programs in five maximum-security prisons: four in New York and one in Connecticut. Inmates train guide dogs for the blind and explosive-detection canines. PBB collaborates with organizations such as Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Guide Dog Foundation, Guide Dogs in America, and the Seeing Eye. It also offers inmates the opportunity to take a correspondence course in veterinary assistance.
Project Pooch located in Woodburn, Oregon in the Mac Laren Correctional Facility is a non-profit organization. Project Pooch matches dogs that would otherwise be destroyed with youth offenders who train the dogs in basic obedience and prepare them to be adopted as family pets.
The Prison Pet Partnership is held in the Washington Correctional Center for Women in Gig Harbor, Washington. It is said to be one of the first prison pup programs. The not-for-profit Partnership rescues dogs from local shelters and matches them with inmates who fully train them to be service, therapy, and companion dogs. Dogs that don’t make it to the professional level are put up for adoption. The Partnership offers inmates a chance to learn professional animal care via an onsite grooming and boarding facility.
The Prison PUP Program is located in Princeton, MA. Since 1976, this non-profit National Education for Assistance Dog Services (NEADS) has been training dogs to assist people who are deaf, hearing impaired, or physically disabled. In 1998 they initiated the PUP Program, which places puppies with inmates, to train assistance dogs more quickly. NEADS partners with five correctional facilities in Massachusetts, Maine, and Connecticut
Hydro Exercise
For Post Surgery Rehabilitation & Hip Dysplasia and Arthritis
Now here in Florida, there is help for your pet by using the healing powers of water. The only hydro exercise facility for dogs is in Marion/Alachua/Levy counties. They use a Chlorine-free water treatment system.
Swimming increases flexibility because its supportive quality permits muscles and joints that might otherwise be limited by an injury, to move through a complete range of motion.
Buoyancy allows floating and helps postoperative knee, hip, leg, and back patients to exercise much earlier and recover faster and more completely, often improving on prior levels of function.
Highly recommended by veterinarians for the following conditions:
- Pre-surgery Conditioning Arthritis
- Post-surgery Rehabilitation Hip/Elbow Dysplasia
- Weight Loss Paralysis
- Increased Flexibility and Body Posture
- Prevent Injuries in Competition Dogs
To learn more about this Hydro Exercise Facility call Lilianne Merida at (352) 528-3828