Have A Heart for Companion Animals, Inc.
A 501c-3 Not for Profit Charitable Organization


Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency

Dogs and cats with (EPI) can not produce enough enzymes to digest food.

The most common symptoms are:

  • Gradual wasting away despite a voracious appetite
  • Eliminating much more frequently, sometimes every hour or two
  • Stools are greasy voluminous yellowish cow-plops, but sometimes grayish
  • Eating their own stools, or other inappropriate substances
  • Increased rumbling sounds from the abdomen
  • Increased passing amounts of flatulence
  • Some dogs do not show any typical signs
  • Some experience intermittent watery diarrhea or vomiting
  • Some dogs even display personality changes such as fearfulness or sudden aggression

Visit www.EPI4Dogs.com for all the details

"We Are Not Disposable"


The Best Animal Shelter is a Caring Community


We welcome your donations
Please make your check out to
Have A Heart for Companion Animals, Inc.
and send to
P. O. Box 831413
Ocala, Florida 34483